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Plaid Scarf Coffee Co

137 Roast

137 Roast

Regular price $23.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $23.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Tasting Notes: Red apple, sangria, orange juice

Processing: Controlled yeast fermentation natural

Producer:  Nawin Yaesorkoo; Beanspire Coffee

Location:  Doi Chang, Chiang Rai, Thailand

Altitude: 1450masl

Varietals: SJ133, Catuai, Typica, Chiang Mai

This lot of coffee underwent Controlled Yeast Fermentation Natural processing. Coffee
cherries were first fermented in sealed tanks with a one-way valve with an added yeast
commonly used in red wine production. During fermentation, the tanks were partially
submerged in water in order to control the temperature of the process. This first
fermentation was done for five days. The tanks were then opened to add extra nutrients
along with a second yeast strain which is commonly used in white wine production. The
coffee was fermented for another five days before being dried. The fermented coffee was dried on raised beds for 25 days.

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