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Plaid Scarf Coffee Co

68 Roast

68 Roast

Regular price $20.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $20.00 USD
Sale Sold out

Tasting Notes: White peach, honeysuckle, floral

Processing: Washed

Producers: 725 smallholder farmers

Location: Bombe Kebele, Bensa Woreda, Sidama Zone, Ethiopia

Altitude: 1950-2150masl

Varietals: Kurume, Wolisho, Dega and other heirloom varieties

Bio: 74110, 74158

The washed processed coffees are depulped within 8 hours after picking and the mucilage-covered parchment is submerged in water for a 36 to 48 hour fermentation, depending on the conditions. After most of the mucilage is consumed, the coffee is fully washed in canals with running water until the water is completely transparent and all of the mucilage is completely removed from the parchment.

After fermenting and washing, this premium coffee is laid out on raised beds under a shade net for 5 to 7 days until the moisture content is between 11 and 12%. The coffee is then moved inside a nearby warehouse for final homogenization and resting until it is ready to be transported to the dry mill.

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